by Barking Mad Marketing | Feb 17, 2017 | Business, Marketing
There are a lot of different and loose terms used now around marketing. There are also a lot of misconceptions about marketing and what it is - that it is just graphic design of a business logo or sales or doing a bit of social media for your business. Marketing is about all of these activities plus much much more! With our digital world changing so fast and expediently growing, marketing now encompasses an abundance of new elements. So what actually is marketing? In an academic definition1. (the text book I actually used at uni!) ‘today’s marketing is about creating customer value and building profitable customer relationships’. This meaning has not changed, marketing today has just evolved and shifted wth how we communicate and build customer relationships. Marketing today is about creating messages using different methods to communicate to your audience about your business and services. Marketing is still about promoting your business to your target market or ideal customer however there are just many more and different ways to talk to and reach your customers. In simple terms, marketing is about how you let your customers know about your products or services that you sell or offer in your business to your ideal customers. Basically, as the saying goes you can build a castle but if you don’t let anyone know about the castle no one will find it or come to it. Same goes with your business, you can have this fantastic product you sell or one of kind services you deliver, however if you don’t tell your potential customers about it, how will they ever know...